European Commission CASSINI initiative
What has happened?
The European Commission (EC) announced the so-called CASSINI* initiative in January 2021 to support European space-based startups until 2027.
Why this important?
- Public support is welcome during these difficult times, especially to protect the space sector from irreparable damages (in terms of job, knowledge and project loses)
- The EC is setting up, together with the European Investment Fund (EIF), a € 1 billion European space fund (a number of steps must, however, still take place before such fund is operational)
- EC’s Directorate on Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS), as manager of the CASSINI’s initiative, is well-placed to promote the “dual-use” aspects of relevant technologies and has unique selling points.
What is in it for you?
The CASSINI initiative intends to regroup under a single umbrella relevant support measures for startups and SMEs in the space sector and beyond, across the entire entrepreneurial cycle. Among the initiatives the EC is contemplating, some which may start in Q2/2021, is included the following:
- Hackathons
- Business incubators & accelerators (in addition to ESA BICs)
- Mentoring
- Prizes
- Reinforcing access to capital
- Space fund
Next steps?
The EC, which has already set up a website and organized a workshop, is still identifying the needs of the sector and not all relevant actions have been identified. Hence, the public can still interact with the EC and participate to future defining events. We will continue closely following this development.
* CASSINI = Competitive Space Start-ups for InnovatIon